Low Cost, High Quality, Spay/Neuter Clinic
Over 31,460 surgeries completed since opening in April 2015!
Services & Fees
Age And Weight Requirements For Surgery
All healthy cats and dogs over the age of 8 weeks and at least 3 pounds,
and no more than 80 pounds are eligible for surgery.
Small Breed Dogs (3 lbs. to 45 lbs.), 7 years maximum age.
Any dog over 5 years old must have pre-operative bloodwork. Our clinic is
able to do the bloodwork at an additional charge but it must be completed
within 7-10 days of the scheduled surgery. Please call and talk with our
staff if this is needed.
Large Breed Dogs (45 lbs. to 80 lbs.), 7 years maximum age.
Cats Maximum age 7 years.
Any dog or cat 5 - 7 years of age require bloodwork prior to surgery.
All animals receive the following:
Brief veterinarian exam
Sedation and pain medicine
General anesthesia
Spay or neuter surgery performed by licensed veterinarian
Tattoo on tummy
Tender loving care
Feral and Community Cats
Feral/Community cats (in live humane traps only) will receive a Rabies vaccination
and ear tip, included in the price. All animals receive pain medication.
Feral cats MUST come in a live trap, the size used for raccoons or possums.
We do not accept cats in traps that are for squirrels or chipmunks.
One cat per trap.
Community/feral cats brought in cat carriers will be charged the regular cat surgery, and any
additional vaccine fees required.
Rabies Vaccination Required
Important: In the state of Missouri, proof of current Rabies vaccine is required for all pets over the age of
16 weeks. If your pet is not currently vaccinated against Rabies and is 16 weeks or over, a Rabies vaccine will be administered and an additional fee charged. If your pet is current on its rabies vaccine, the certificate must be provided at the time of surgery check-in.
Pre-payment for all scheduled appointments is required and can be paid with a credit or debit card (all cards with exception of American Express) or cash. We do not take Care Credit.
For individuals bringing feral cats for surgery, payment is done at the time you bring in the cat(s) for surgery.
**Gift Certificates can be made out in any amount. Certificates may be purchased in person at our clinic or over the phone**
What To Expect
Surgical Fees
Small Female Dog (up to 45 lbs.)
Large Female Dog (45 to 80 lbs.)
Small Male Dog (up to 45 lbs.)
Large Male Dog (45 to 80 lbs.)
Female Cat
Male Cat
Feral/Community Cat
Additional Services & Fees
3 Days of pain medication
1 Year Rabies
3 Year Rabies (must have proof of
current 1 year rabies)
Canine Distemper/Parvo Vaccine
Kennel Cough Vaccine
Feline Leukemia Vaccine
Feline Distemper Vaccine
Nail Trim (at time of surgery only)
Blood Work
Heartworm Test (Dog) We now provide preventative, ask us about Revolt
FeLV/FIV Test (Cat)
Feline Pregnancy
Canine Pregnancy

If you need financial assistance, our Spay It Forward program is designed to help! Please inquire when scheduling.